Phew, long time no post. That’s mainly due to all my panoramic activities of late… But well.
Here’s a quick snap I took this lunch time, just walking home to cook dinner. This was shot again with my cellphone, and post-processed a little in-phone as well (using the rather handy “Photogrene” App).
All I did was adjust the levels (increasing the black clipping point) in order to boost contrast, raise the colour temperature a little (the picture felt rather “cold” with what the phone’s automatic white balance had chosen) and add the almost obligatory vignette.
The reason I took this pictures is obvious — a beautiful mixture of lights and darks as the (rare) sun light was filtering through the trees above. I tried to be as symmetric as possible with the composition as not to distract from but rather support the main subject of the image: the ligth patches. I framed the two bigger blobs at the lower end of the frame as to give a starting point to the eye. It’s typically drawn to them, but then wanders off down the path…